Constructivist Theory

A scientific revolution corresponds, to the abandonment of a paradigm and the adoption of another new one, by the consensus of the scientific community in its Kuhn totality (op. cit,). In the Theories of learning, these revolutions would be given by the Conductista Theory, the Cognitive Theory and the Constructivist Theory. Against this background, Schunk (1991) mentioned by Ertmer and Newby in 1993, raises that the fundamental difference between the theories of conductista, cognitivista and constructivist learning, rests more in the interpretation than in the definition. These differences are pronounced around aspects keys that they flow from each theoretical perspective.

In this Schunk sense (op. cit.), enumerates five definitive questions that allow to distinguish a learning theory, of the other: How it happens the learning? , Which factors influence in the learning? , Which is the paper of the memory? , How it happens the transference? , Which types of learning are explained better with this theory? From these questions, the mentioned author, adds two questions more: From where the knowledge comes? and how people arrive that is to say? Also, east author raises that has existed two epistemological positions opposed, on the origin of the knowledge: the empirismo and the rationalism; these, are still present in diverse degrees in the present theories of the learning. Therefore, the description of these epistemological positions, serves as beginning for the comparison of the raised theories of learning from the approaches: conductista, constructivist cognitivista and. Next, a picture appears summarize of the aspects differentials of these three Theories of Learning: Picture 3 Aspects differentials of the Theories of Learning CRITERIA LEARNING THEORIES Conductista Constructivist Cognitivista Roots Philosophical-Epistemological Empirismo, Positivista Rationalism objetivismo Rationalism Constructivism. Form in which the learning happens the learning obtains when an appropriate answer is exhibited after presenting/displaying a specific environmental stimulus.