Public Musicians

Good tools and good sound forces you to PLAY BETTER! I know a musician who always has in stock a few hundred dollars. For example, he bought a keypad rack in perfect condition for a quarter of the price, keyboards and scratch-free without the sand in pots for one-third the price. He constantly waiting for a chance and bought / used equipment for blazing insanely low prices. What should I do? After all, none of the foreign musicians are not allowed to work in ‘their’ restaurants? Allowed when the presses. There are of course musicians, who clung to their jobs and think that if they do not let anyone there, it will ensure eternal work in the restaurant.

This stems from their insecurity. They are right to fear of losing their place. They – the bad musicians with a bad program. So for them to be extremely risky to give someone to speak on their stage. Suddenly, the restaurant owners realize that they were kept for suckers. Suddenly, the owners will realize that there is much more interesting musicians. Not worry, my dear reader.

Even if the owner does not understand him that sooner or later tell visitors of the restaurant. And if the owner does not pay attention to the comments of the public, this restaurant quickly be bent into a business relationship. There are other musicians. They are on the top rating restaurants, clubs musicians. Typically, this is real live group (without phonograms) with a good program. These musicians are not afraid ‘podsidki’.