
Man has always sought to represent different media in one way or possibility of diversion and distraction against the party of your life that need to have to perform various duties and tasks, so in the course of history have been presented many ways to make life more pleasant and to enjoy pleasant moments and between that great number of activities, dance appears as one of the activities with more presence in human history, we can say that from the beginning of the times dance has been one of the most challenged by the man to enjoy a pleasant activity and to provide fun and entertainment to people. Dance as one of the activities of most ancient man, is much in the development of mankind, since not only means to spend pleasant moments while enjoying the dance, but also appears as a clear indication of the customs sociocultural different parts of the world and every place in the world can find different forms of dance. It should be stressed appearance temporary dance in its various forms, so, making a historical analysis of the dance, we have records from this pleasant activity dating back 40,000 years times sake, to date which can be reached in the presence of various cave paintings embody different dances they performed the peoples of those times. An interesting aspect found in the first dance, is that at first dance be more than half of fun, be a means to perform worship to the various beliefs we had, and dance, is shown as half of expression of thought-feature had more presence in ancient and indigenous peoples “Among the most representative dances of ancient peoples and Aboriginal dance are animals, astral dance, dance medicine, fertility dance, war dance , nuptial dance and dance of initiation; with this type of dance you can understand the high expression of beliefs and customs of the various peoples of the world. Dance as a means of expression of man, Solola means no sign of joy and fun, dance can also express other feelings such as sadness, disappointment, despair, among others. Dance is a very important practice, as to its content of expression and communication, since the non-use of voice and representation to achieve so many different things, art is very symbolic, all thanks to an excellent gesture transmission. When you are making mention of the dance refers to the use of the body as a means of expression and which should be made large amount of movement and not just any kind of movement must be special moves that make it possible for the dance has the expressive content that characterizes it. Thus each type of dance and culture is about movements and steps that allow themselves to get to dance can express different feelings..