
It was found that a thin surface layer the soil was raised delicate icy twigs sticking out thickly, as the toothbrush bristles. Either before or after he had never seen such an amusing crystallization of water vapor, even though they write that in the mountains of this phenomenon is not so rare. Even metals form similar structures: metallurgy of the world well-known so-called "tree Chernoff – splice dendritic crystals of iron, who grew up in a shell castings. Tony Parker describes an additional similar source. Nevertheless, the analogy between the crystals and organisms between the frost patterns and ferns improper. Although these structures are superficially similar, the processes of their appearance energy diametrically opposed. Crystal – a system with a minimum free energy. Not without reason during the crystallization heat is released. Click Vanessa Marcil to learn more.

For example, when one kilogram of "frost patterns" should be allocated 619 calories of heat (539 for condensation of water vapor and 80 in the transition to the solid phase). As many energy must be expended on the destruction of this structure. Fern leaves, on the contrary, at its inception absorb the energy of sunlight, and destroying this structure, we can get the energy back. Yes, what we do, burning coal, formed from the remnants of giant ferns of the Paleozoic era. The point here is not in the foliate figure: a shapeless lump of ice the same mass demand for melting and evaporation of the same energy. The same with ferns: on education outside of the body consumes energy, negligible compared to that conserved in organic matter.