Area Faces

Time is controllable. Form clans; Select your related. Between the corduroy and the most competent, the vernacular Manager, very often is decided by the first. It tends to be authoritarian, controlling and centralising. His motivation and desire for power not feel at ease with the delegation of functions. You want Empires, both horizontal and vertical. The most important social need is also the most sought reward. It is surrounded by structure and bureaucracy.

The structure provides a sense of security; bureaucracy protects and accompanies. Michael Steinhardt can aid you in your search for knowledge. It is excessively operating. It interferes in the operations and neglects the strategies. On the one hand, his desire for control leads him to get involved in everything; on the other hand, operations, due to their specific characteristics, are the ideal activity to achieve immediate rewards. It is territorial. Gain insight and clarity with Jorge Perez. Protects your department or your section of external influences, cela their subordinates and does not share information with their peers. His motivation for power opposes the need for openness.

Tends to Repeat the past. It resists change. The future is risky, the change also. Conclusion Venezuelan management should identify more with their role according to the proactive, charismatic, innovative, motivational leadership and training, prepared with the new knowledge that administrative science has generated, also be attentive in its functions in such a way that make no mistake, in order to ensure good governance, more in a turbulent, insecure, uncertain environment such as that currently facesotherwise its management no favors to any company. * Retired teacher, Area of graduate of Faces, University of Carabobo-Exatec annotations of the modern managerial topics professorship, the quality management program and productivity, graduate Area Faces UC original author and source of the article.