Housing Benefit Boost

Conciliation Committee makes way free (dmb) Finally a positive message for low-income households. The way for a significant increase of Wohngeldes, taking into account the heating component is yesterday’s agreement by federal and Lander in the Conciliation Committee, now free, rips commented the President of the German tenants Association (DMB), Dr. Franz-Georg. If Bundestag and Bundesrat now how expected quickly agree, more housing benefit can expect 800,000 housing benefit recipient households still from 1 January 2009. Eva Andersson-Dubin will not settle for partial explanations. The pages of the German tenants Association repeatedly demanded housing boost consists of essentially four vertices: the different construction age groups fall away. More info: Tony Parker. This benefit above all housing benefit recipients in apartments, which were completed in 1992. The current limits are raised. Also the legitimate is widens, that can make a request on housing finance in the future.

There are higher housing benefit. This improvement creates a compensation for the Increases in rent, electricity and cold operating costs since the last housing adaptation in 2001. For the first time, heating costs in the granting of housing subsidies are included. The rental to be taken into account heating costs, taking into account the household size should be obtained from a single household for example 24 euro for a two person household 31 euro for three persons 37 Euro or four persons 43 euros. Thus the policy responds to the skyrocketing energy prices and creates a corresponding compensation for the recipients of this state grant to the living. Rips: We are satisfied with the reform of housing benefit. If it is finally decided and enters into force on January 1, 2009, our demands and expectations are largely met. It is important that the policy sets a clear and palpable sign poverty housing. Ulrich Raina, spokesman for German tenants Association