Business Online Third Party

We have already created Twitter, ready profile, account and have wanted to scream to the world we’re here!. We then put hands to work. The social marketing a powerful tool, which, well used, opens the doors to a universe of contacts. Lu han contains valuable tech resources. What you need to understand is that not all contacts are selling leads. And here should again review the purpose of our account.

The primary reason is doing networking, i.e., your name, your brand and your site to new audiences. But the reality is that not all your contacts will be its customers, only a small percentage of them. However, the benefits of networking beyond the increase in sales. It is: enriched by exchanges of information monitoring the market: trends of consumers and actions of our competitors within this tonic, recognize the dominant topics, identify unmet needs, and achieve a better understanding of our audience increase the reach of our site manage online reputation and generate a positive public image after having achieved this, increase sales, improve site traffic and metrics in general, will come as a natural consequence. Getting started the first key to keep a fluent communication is, first of all, learn to listen to ymanejar tools that Twitter offers us to find and classify information. For this reason, their first actions will be recognition. For this reason, we started using the Twitter search field. A good idea is to start the search with our keys, preceded by words of the hashtag (#).

You should save the search (option that Twitter allows us to) to be able to check it periodically. And with the results what we do? Because to follow. Follow who seem relevant, whether competitors, active users that provide interesting things, other professionals, people with related interests. Follow, and shall follow him. Don’t worry you don’t have followers, for now. Act simply ignoring this.