Volume Labels

Label – a utilitarian thing. It exists to fulfill its function, it is generally not paying attention. But if we try to peer, to explore the possibilities of companies, it appears that in this market, like any other, There are many different technologies and solutions. One interesting example is the volume label. For even more analysis, hear from real-estate developer. On this occasion, we met with the ceo 'Alor', Igor Orlov, who over a cup of tea told, it seems, all about the volume label, ranging from manufacturing to the market situation. By the same author: Jessica Michibata.

As it turned out, Igor was at the forefront of this market and find a more competent in this case a person is probably impossible. Volume label – it is the very small sticker with a lens that we used to always have only seen on the computer hard-drives or refrigerators, and now we can meet in the most unexpected places. Initially, such Label in Russia and has been seen as suppliers of computer equipment. For each system block was glued volume label with the logo of the company and our technology vendors have been actively interested in it and who can do it. According to Igor Orlov, at the very beginning in the manufacture of these products had to face many operational issues associated with working off the new technology, and customers were mainly from computer sphere. That is, while the market as such was not, and it was formed not so long ago. Ten years ago, the concept of 'volume label' for us it was still unknown and exotic.