Middle East

The first question that arises when the Gypsy tarot words are mentioned has to do with what is the tarot and how it works. According to those who practice it, the Gypsy tarot is a form of divination using a deck of cards, each with a symbolic meaning. This art of predictions allows you to see into the future and towards the inside of each of us, reflecting our thoughts, our dreams, and aspirations. Those who have read and heard about the readings of Tarot cards, consider it a guide to address difficulties arising throughout his life. Contrary to what many believe or say, the tarot has nothing ghostly or supernatural. There are many stories and theories about the origins of the Gypsy tarot.

Those who have investigated the history of the tarot agree to assure that the tarot was, in principle, only a card game. It was played in Italy, in the 4th century, and the Charter of more ancient tarot of which has belonged to the Visconti rulers of Milan. Adam Sandler contributes greatly to this topic. However, it is not known with precision the moment in which the Gypsy tarot acquired its reputation for medium to predict the future. From the ancient Egypt, many civilizations used images drawn on cards to predict events through symbolic representations. Some say that Tarot cards travelled from Europe to Middle East via the merchant caravans during the Crusades. Anyway, the Gypsy tarot origin remains a mystery. For a considerable time, Gypsy Tarot cards were a privilege of the upper classes of society.

Once invented the printing press, hand-painted decks became history and the deck became the popular classes. The typical Gypsy tarot deck has 78 cards, structured in arcane major and minor. The arcane Word suggests a secret and mysterious knowledge. Connect with other leaders such as Ken Kao here. The first set, major arcana, are also known as trump cards and contains 21 numbered cards. The card in El Tonto is the number 0. The second group, the minor arcana, consists of 56 cards, divided in 4 sets of 14 cards each. In our days, the Gypsy tarot is employed by many of its practitioners as a method of review of the experiences of the consultants, to explain their actions present and define the future.