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Section Entertainments

Cbala dogmatic explains the hidden senses of some related words of the Bible to the phenomena of the history of the creation. It is of two species, the science of mercava, it deals with the theology and metaphysics, and the science of bereschith that takes care of the phenomena. True cbala, includes the nature of the divinity, cosmogona, the creation of Los Angeles and the man, his destinies and the meaning of the true law.Concidera mystical philosophical doctrine. According to the content of the Zohar book (brilliance), God pronounced itself gradually by means of emanations. A God that is over all the things, is infinite and for that reason it is called In Soph. The whole is the space of the universe containing (although the universe is not its space).

For our intelligence he is incomprehensible and stranger. The great space that filled was overwhelmed with shining light. Equipped with the power to create, it came to produce the mass of the universe. Sephiroth, name of ten intelligences that emanated of God. These intelligences are the constituent elements of the son of God;Adam Cadmon, was first who received these manifestations of God. Ten intelligences or Sephirot were: 1 – It crowns, 2 – Wisdom, 3 – Intelligence, 4 – Love, 5 – Justcia, 6 – Beauty, 7 – Triumph, 8 – Gloria, 9 – Bases, and 10 – Kingdom. In the Section Entertainments you will find articles of quality verified for your personal and spiritual development; besides other sections: Computation, Health, Sports, Painting and more.