Learn A Foreign Language

Continues the theme, which will consider the recommendations for how to properly learn the language so that he learned easily and efficiently. In the second part of this series, you gave an example, an analogy, comparing the language with a bedside table, different boxes which (speaking, reading, comprehension), learn and be understood by us separately, without taking their linguistic integrity. And if we do not join our 'language bedside table in a single unit, then no regular translations and paraphrases text or memorized by heart the dialogues, nor fulfillment of grammar exercises, nor listened Audiocourses, coupled with read books – nothing to teach us to speak freely and without hesitation, in a foreign language, as communication in situations at the level of meaning. By the way, even on this basis, we can perceive the advertising about the effectiveness of passive language Audiocourses as advertising and no more. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Sela Ward. The result is likely, such training will not. Other words, no matter how long you did not go driving, but if you have not had practice in the city cycle driving, far away you are unlikely to go away, as well as not uplyvete far, how long would you have not studied at the bank, how to properly rowing.

If you get into this situation in the water, it is likely, confused, forget and mix up all the things you taught all the time. And in language, in a live dialogue, you will come up once and recall previously studied the language or form grammatical turn to apply it in the speech. Source: Jessica Michibata. In that case, if the study of language was an end in itself and a long cramming – the result will be just that.