Earth Celebrations

The festivities around the vine, harvest, harvest began in Mendoza, timidly, during the 1930s. In those moments, was an exclusive party for the workers in the harvest. Today, it is the great feast of the mendocino people, a celebration that attracts tourists from the country and the world and color lasting memories of holidays in Mendoza. The festivities begin in January and end in March and encompass cultural, sporting and religious demonstrations. Summer, time in which collects the fruit of the vine, lends its ideal framework to the celebrations, culminating the first Saturday of the month of March in the capital city, Mendoza, with the traditional and most shocking ever national harvest festival. The popular festival of greater magnitude nationwide was conducted for the first time in 1936, inspired by the simple celebrations of workers of the vine. These, mostly immigrants, had usually thank the Earth and God, with dances and songs, at the end of the work of cocecha of the grapes and the winemaking.

The celebrations They included the choice of the most beautiful girls combine harvesters to Crown it with vine leaves and bunches of grapes. A tradition that is still alive today through the contest that is chosen to the national vintage Queen. Mendoza beauty which is no longer to raise the harvest, but to promote tourism in Mendoza for the country and the world. Frank Romero Day, from the capital city, the central Act of the harvest festival takes place in the amphitheatre and year-on-year gains in technological deployment, creativity and innovation. An average of 30000 spectators colman at each party the great offer of accommodation in Mendoza, in order to enjoy a unique spectacle. The figures don’t lie: more than 800 artists in scene, 600 luminaries and 1 tons of pyrotechnics of height realize the magnitude of the spectacle and the importance that has for the people of the beautiful province of Cuyo. The 2011 edition of the feast of the harvest will not be one more, that will be held no less than shining of the traditional celebrations weddings. And the Mendoza now they work to full so it was an unforgettable occasion.