Ostankino Palace Museum

Extremely important and great skill in the dance floor is the correct split of the tree, the selection and styling at a certain angle of adjacent staves. This created one of the most characteristic features of art parquet – choppy game tree in the world. Split a tree in which grain direction is perpendicular to the light source, usually appears dark, while the direction of the wood fibers running parallel to the light source appears bright. These properties of wood were widely used for flooring. Depending on the illumination of the sections and moving – some of the hardwood floor is lit bright spots, then faded away. Especially noteworthy in this regard panelboard parquet native trees – pine, oak and birch. Wonderful pine panelboard parquet is in Muranovo Manor (now a museum Tiutchev) in continuous galleries Ostankino Palace Museum and the Museum Kuskovskii.

He scored exclusively from pine, oak-lined narrow strips, and only very rarely and sparingly intarsirovan on the plates with black stained oak. When you look at this game of light and shade of pine parquet floors, shared layers perpendicular to each other, then you start to feel all the amazing beauty of these rocks, often higher quality than previously imported trees. Ability to use along the lines of wood is one the most important conditions in the production of artistic parquet. If all the wood of pine-through picture Ostankino palace was used as a long floorboards, floors, the gallery would have lost all artistic value, and skillful installation artist, parquet, used without special expenses of all the possibilities of domestic wood, they were able to achieve striking effects in the XIX century began polishing them not pure wax, but with different coloring impurities, why they are gradually losing their original appearance. This slight touch up with scrubbing kills not only the play of light on the dance floor, but changes, depersonalizes and all colors natural wood. Dyes, applied in the polishing of floors in the XIX century, the old masters was not used, so the floors of extraordinary freshness and preserved polychromy.